Efficiency of safety check notifications


As described in section 4.2 (as shown in source document), safety check messages can be sent through the safety notification received in case of potentially damaging earthquake, but also through the earthquake page, if the earthquake led to a safety notification. In the following paragraphs, we will consider "series of message" as the measuring unit. Indeed, one user can send one safety check message to several people or can send several individual safety check messages or a combination of both. One series is then represented by one specific message sent by one user, distributed to one or more recipients. Since 14 September 2016, EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre) has launched safety notifications for 19 earthquakes, including seven in Italy, which were received by 1,262 users. Altogether, LastQuake users sent 78 series of messages via the safety check notification. 62 of them were actually successful. Failures can be attributed either to technical problems (due to the user's network or operator for example), or to the user's will to stop the process. Nevertheless, 150 people received the safety check message that LastQuake users sent them through the safety notification, and were then reassured. Moreover, some users decided to send text messages to inform their relatives directly through the earthquake page in the app. 63 users tried to do it, and 39 succeeded in sending their SMS, which 70 people received.

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