Floods are perceived to have predominantly financial consequences while landslides are viewed as life threating events
In 2004, Ho and colleagues (see source document for full reference) conducted a study that investigated the differences in risk perception related to floods and landslides (Ho et al., 2008). This study has demonstrated that floods and landslides differ in terms of several important risk dimensions. First of all, it has been noted that people tend to perceive outcomes of the floods and landslides differently. Namely, floods are being perceived as financial rather than life threats, while landslides are being dominantly perceived as life threatening events (Ho et al., 2008). According to the authors, observed differences in perception tend to cause differences in mitigation actions people who are in risk of floods tend to engage in a greater number of protective behaviours (e.g., move their possessions to the upper stories and position sand bags), while the landslide victims often tend only to evacuate when necessary (Ho et al., 2008).
Note: See source document for full reference.
Applicable to:
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens