Social capital is an asset in making communities more resilient


The study of Patterson, Weil, and Patel (2010 - see source document for full reference) also examined the role community plays in the processes of disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. In order to do so, the authors (Patterson et al., 2010) provided an overview of relevant models found in literature, as well as findings of the research on Hurricane Katrina. The authors stress the role of so-called social capital, i.e. social networks, reciprocity, and interpersonal trust (Putnam & Feldstein, 2003, as cited in Patterson et al., 2010). Using the examples of community responses to Hurricane Katrina, where community, faith-based and non-profit organizations played a central role in recovery efforts, Patterson and associates (2010) demonstrate the importance of local knowledge, resources, and cooperative strategies in recovery from disasters, and, more generally, in making communities more resilient.

Note: See source document for full reference.

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