Negative emotions correlate with preparedness behaviour


Several studies (i.e. Siegrist & Gutscher, 2006) suggested that negative emotions of fear and insecurity, experienced by disaster victims, significantly elevated number of preparedness activities after a disaster, something that was not observed for non-victims. Negative emotions (such as fear, insecurity or worry) lead to greater risk perception, which in return leads to increased preparedness behaviour (Keller, Siegriest, & Gutscher, 2006; Västfjäll, Peters, & Slovic, 2008; but also consult Terprstra, 2011). From a psychological point of view, this is not surprising since the main function of fear is to ensure survival and consequent wellbeing of individuals. Intensity of negative emotions also positively correlates with the severity of disaster consequences, which then moderates the effect of personal experience on the level of perceived risk (Terpstra, 2011; but also consult D4.1 subchapter 3.2.2). Additionally, one must have in mind that emotions linked to previous experience with a disaster are also dependent on time elapsed since the disaster. As expected, the more time has passed the less people can evoke the negative emotions they have sensed during the disaster (Terpstra, 2011).

Note: See source document for full reference.

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