The influence of individual wealth on disaster recovery


In terms of disaster recovery, wealthy citizens were seen as having greater resources for achieving their recovery compared to vulnerable groups (e.g. poorer people and the elderly); at the same time, though, poorer people were seen to be able to work towards their own recovery (e.g. rebuilding their own homes): “This is where the Viale Parioli citizen has it easier, he has someone to go to, and maybe the citizen in Tor Bella Monaca does not. There was this homeless lady there who did not have a backup house and we gave her one spot at the Caritas Hostel, but no one else did ask for us to find a home, they all had their own resources, and that depends on the area” (G1; R4). “Wealthy people have a greater awareness of what they can lose. I usually take care of disaster refunding and when we had the Lunigiana flood, I was surprised I was surprised by a request for a Porsche refund. This is an extreme request, as it affects the finances of the entire community, but it is about the reestablishment of the damage. There are many solutions, sometimes it even happens that poor people manage to fix their own homes and don’t take any money whereas the rich people hire lawyers and manage to be reimbursed” (G2; R2). “The house was inside an historical building, there was a hotel next door. It belonged to an old woman with a daughter. High culture, architects and professionals. They were able to go sleep somewhere else but they were also old people and very settled in their lives. He did not want to leave his apartment on fire. He was much attached” (G3; R6).

Note: See source document for full reference.

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