The Territorial Coordination Master Plan of the Province of Potenza description


The Province of Potenza adopted in 2013 the Territorial Coordination Master Plan (TCP) that draws the local governmental proposals for the development of the provincial territory and provides tools to the local actors for the correct land use and management. Province of Potenza has territorial coordination competencies over 100 municipalities and is mostly characterized by all the major natural risks whose impacts are potentially very serious in the case of disasters. For this reason, an important section of the TCP is dedicated to the risk assessment/management and to the mitigation activities as important actions to be performed also at the urban level. An innovative aspect developed in the TCP is the implementation of the "resilience of communities" policy in territorial planning, by introducing risks-mitigation measures to be applied to the urban planning and strategic actions in order to involve the local actors, the private sector, and the community in the resilience's implementation processes. The TCP provides municipalities with inputs and recommendations to be followed in urban planning aimed at implementing resilience in land-use government policies. For risks mitigation at the local level, the Province contributes in seeking to promote or facilitate programs of extraordinary territorial maintenance to be implemented by the local governments, through the identification of possible financial mechanisms and procedural facilitation. The resilience implementation process is accompanied by other territorial policy actions on the natural and built systems, such as strategies for adaptation to climate change and environmental protection.

Note: See source document for full reference.

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