Using family values and belief systems as empowering tools


Building resilience in families is different to doing the same for individuals. It is a process more than it is a “set of inherent, static traits” and there is a need to consider the wider social networks associated with all members of the family. Miller (for literature reference see original source document) calls this “community integrity”, where “integrity” is defined as the social infrastructure of communities. This includes “safety, quality institutions for family members (schools, health care facilities), civic associations, vibrant and informal social networks, and jobs and adequate public transportation to access the jobs”. He advocates that “family resilience is deeply dependent on community integrity” and stresses the importance of re-building community integrity for the long-term recovery of families, and in particular for “collectivist” cultures, because the family unit is as important as the individual. Similarly, Kayser et al. (for literature reference see original source document) found that Indian families that were affected by the 2004 Tsunami were stronger and better able to recover when they could return to “normal” as quickly as possible.

Note: See source document for full reference.

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