Interdependency between different communication channels
An effective disaster management policy and its strategic communication action plan should take into consideration the increasing level of interdependency between the various mainstream and social communication channels, as well as the high diffusion of message formation. Any good communication is recommended therefore to create concerted and simultaneous dissemination of key messages, coherent explanations of actions taken and desired behaviours on the part of affected population. One aspect yet to be emphasized is that of self-help and voluntary action. As above demonstrated, many of the messages that circulated in the social media in this particular crisis and in general during the crisis management period have to do with what people can and should do to prove their solidarity and help in the relief phase. The Colectiv case (fire in a nightclub in central Bucharest which cost many lives) with its numerous ad-hoc networks of support organized via Facebook groups, which provided help, assistance, medicine supplies, blood donations, food for families stranded in hospital halls for weeks, accommodation to same families and even psychological support, prove the immense potential that civil society, NGO’s and private actors are willing and able to harness in times of crisis. Unless supported via a correct communication of needs, networked assistance and strategic direction by state institutions, these networks can and will organize in parallel and sometimes willingly or unwillingly against central authorities. Therefore, it is of vital importance for central public and local authorities to understand how information gets to be generated, diffused, rolled in social and mainstream media environments and how it can be used creatively to enhance the capacity of the community to resist and cope with disaster.
Note: See source document for full reference.
Applicable to:
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Response, Recovery, Preparedness, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, NGOs, Active citizens