Cultural factor
Entries for Power relations

Contemporary societies, promoters of individual freedom


Citizens' assessment of risk as determined by dominant discourses and broader social, cultural and historical forces


Social involvement makes local communities more proactive in developing risk management strategies


In post-communist member states, the risk of flooding tends to be perceived only during extreme events


Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Power relations, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Government, Non-active citizens

Importance of knowledge with regards to perception of risk and trust in authorities


Participation in preparedness activities increases social cohesion and trust in fellow citizens and authorities measures


Strength of local authorities in empowerment contexts


Promoting Citizens Observatories in order to change citizens' roles


Communities taking responsibility for their own resilience


Cultural Factors: Power relations

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: All disaster phases, Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

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