Disaster Phases
Entries for All disaster phases

The EU-funded Citi-Sense project on social and geographical mapping


Loss of confidence in civil authorities after man-made disasters


People perceive human interference with nature as negative, regardless of its purpose


Contemporary societies, promoters of individual freedom


Culture provides socially constructed myths about nature which, in turn, influence the individual interpretation of natural phenomena


Human responses to disasters remain unchanged due to our shared evolutionary heritage


Natural and man-made hazards are perceived differently and elicit different types of emotions


People tolerate natural disasters better than man-made ones and media has an important influence on this


Previous experience with natural disasters is linked to a greater willingness to be better prepared and cooperate with local authorities


Decisions for action are what differentiate hazards from risks


A community's local knowledge has value in dealing with disasters


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Norms/values

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery, Response, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Capacities of local communities and their culture is important in defining their level of preparedness, response and recovery from a disaster


Alternative knowledge strategies and local risk cultures are important in policy and decision-making processes, both for experts and non-experts


Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Popular explanations of threats and disasters are important to the cultures in question


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

In some places, religious explanations for natural disasters are taken into account (Egypt), while in others scientific explanations are predominant (UK)


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