Local knowledge / Preparedness

Experiences of people who have lived in the Gaza region for a longer time influence perceptions of risk which are relatively higher amongst this category than among those recently settled in the area


Cultural Factors: Individual/collective memory, Local knowledge

Hazards: Man-made intentional hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Importance of knowledge with regards to perception of risk and trust in authorities


Local knowledge in empowerment processes


Lack of knowledge of disaster guidelines and procedures found in a study with Bucharest residents


LastQuake app user categories


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Communication, Attitudes toward the media, Social networks

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, NGOs

Culturally "neutral" adaptation of LastQuake app features


LastQuake app user feedback concerning “Dos and don’ts” after an earthquake


LastQuake app safety tips usage in areas with seismic activity


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Access and use of infrastructure/services

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Response, Preparedness, Prevention

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, NGOs

LastQuake app safety tips usage differences between countries


LastQuake app safety tips usage for first time users


Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, NGOs

Importance of local experience In dealing with disasters


Preparedness actions for all vulnerable groups during heat waves


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Age-related roles

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response

Types of Actors Concerned: Healthcare and emergency services

Ethnic diversity contributes to collective community experience and knowledge on disaster preparedness and response


EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre) tools for detecting felt earthquakes and for meeting witnesses' immediate information needs, via on social media, websites and a mobile app


Practical adaptation strategies for preventing disasters - the Singas example


Local technical knowledge as cultural factor to mitigate risk


Cultural Factors: Individual/collective memory, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response

Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Non-active citizens

Empowerment through traditions in farming, building and other land use


The role of disaster experience in disaster response


Cultural Factors: Individual/collective memory, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, Active citizens

Personal involvement increases citizens' willingness to engage in activities aimed at preserving personal safety


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Challenging risk perceptions and reducing vulnerabilities as a CBDM approach


Enhancing and cultivating local capacities as a component of empowering communities in India


Citizen perception of risk linked to their knowledge of the area


Differences in behaviour amongst different ethnic groups in a disaster is more likely to be linked to a lack of local knowledge rather than to cultural factors


Interdependency between different communication channels


First steps of the participatory approach


Community-based disaster management in central Vietnam


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Access and use of infrastructure/services

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Government, Non-active citizens

Concepts of disasters and risk cultures are often linked to cultural geographies


Societies and cultures are culturally, politically and environmentally distinctive


A community's local knowledge has value in dealing with disasters


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Norms/values

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery, Response, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Crowdsourcing in mapping natural disasters


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Entrepreneurs, Non-active citizens, NGOs

Capacities of local communities and their culture is important in defining their level of preparedness, response and recovery from a disaster


In some cases, local knowledge is essential in providing reliable information about the area of intervention


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Popular knowledge definition


Experts should consider local knowledge a legitimate type of learning, and incorporate it into strategies and policies


Alternative knowledge strategies and local risk cultures are important in policy and decision-making processes, both for experts and non-experts


Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

Developing innovative technologies for water management


Popular explanations of threats and disasters are important to the cultures in question


Cultural Factors: Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases

Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens

The Citizens Observatories collection and utilization of citizen information


Environmental monitoring campaigns with citizens and NGOs


The organisational network of the Territorial Coordination Master Plan of the Province of Potenza


Cultural Factors: Social networks, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Active citizens, National civil protection body, Local authorities

In post-communist member states, the risk of flooding tends to be perceived only during extreme events


Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Power relations, Local knowledge

Hazards: Natural hazards

Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Government, Non-active citizens

No one-size-fits-all strategy in order to explain social vulnerability in different countries and disaster phases


Living in risk areas highlights higher levels of risk acceptance


People with higher levels of education and higher incomes have a lower levels of trust in governments and higher levels of trust in scientific institutions


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