The involvement of local emergency services is crucial for the development of international emergency-response digital tools
Mobile apps that play a role in disaster risk reduction should indeed take culture into account and design tools that are both as culturally neutral as possible and flexible so that users can use it differently depending on their own culture, as is the case with the SMS message sent via the EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre) safety check. Based on a first assessment of the implementation of these two best practices and on general conclusions as well, EMSC has identified several ideas for further improvement. For instance, even if LastQuake is a mobile app that is used after a quake, it could include during-earthquake safety tips as they would raise general awareness and preparedness level. However, as during-earthquake safety tips vary from country to country (especially on the quality of buildings), difficulties in being applicable at a global scale apply. Because on a global scale it is difficult to get a precise and culturally specific response to the crisis, it is relevant to bridge LastQuake with local partners, such as emergency services. For instance, they could help fill the gap for during-earthquake advice. Advice related to tsunamis could also be a consideration, as currently the EMSC does include a tsunami warning icon on earthquakes that could potentially lead to tsunamis.
Applicable to:
Cultural Factors: Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Active citizens, Healthcare and emergency services, NGOs