Stereotypes of younger citizens being more critical towards authorities are often incorrect


Finally, one practitioner felt that the stereotype of younger citizens being more critical towards authorities than older people was incorrect and that younger citizens also respect trusted symbols, although their respect and trust must be earned: “I was really surprised because as I grow older, based on the prejudices we have against younger people, I strongly believed that the world worked based on this logic: elderly people trust uniforms because for many years, the figure of the person in a uniform has been somehow internalised… and younger people are an aimless group. Actually, though, I very seldom go into a classroom but I organize training projects for schools and I discovered a world that is completely different. Our young people seem adult. I don’t know if I am mistaken… they have a clear idea of the importance of uniforms and of the respect towards them. It’s just that compared to the elderly, they are more critical and one must earn their trust” (G1; R1 - see source document for full reference).

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