Challenging risk perceptions and reducing vulnerabilities as a CBDM approach


A CBDM (Community-based disaster management) approach aims to address the root causes of disasters by, for example, challenging risk perceptions and reducing vulnerabilities. The approach seems to have moved towards a focus on risk management, as seen by the insertion of “risk” in the title of the some of the guidance, to become “CBDRM”. The social risk and natural hazard assessments, which then lead to the development of the Risk Management Plan, are the key to reducing risk. In terms of hazard assessments (e.g. seasonal calendars), it is actor citizens like the farmers, riverboat owners and builders again, whose knowledge is vital in managing these risks. The risk assessments should consist of a detailed analysis of all vulnerabilities (populations and social processes) that could lead to a disaster or preventable impacts, including the root causes and pressures creating and sustaining the hazards and the processes that could trigger the onset of a disaster.

Note: See source document for full reference.

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