Arguably, a “culture of prevention” is primarily the responsibility of institutions and governments. Essential actions that “enhance equitable and sustainable development”, such as land management and the regulation of the private sector (for example with nuclear and oil companies), involves leadership from the top, strategic direction and effective law and policy. However, the influential Sendai Framework emphasises that such a culture can be developed from the bottom up, as well as from the top down. For example, it calls for States to encourage all national stakeholders to “contribute to and support” a culture of prevention. It also recommends the international development of “effective global and regional campaigns as instruments for public awareness and education… to promote a culture of disaster prevention…”. Accordingly, a number of initiatives are aimed at schools, with the belief that “disaster risk reduction begins at school” through institutionalising a culture of prevention.
Note: See source document for full reference.
Applicable to:
Cultural Factors: Rule of law, Educational system
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Entrepreneurs, Government, Red Cross, NGOs, Military, Law enforcement agencies, Healthcare and emergency services, European Civil Protection Mechanism, UN and other international organisations