Risk perception in relation to hazard type


Perceptions of early warning systems can also mitigate or increase risk from a hazard. Citizens may view an early warning system negatively, for example that it is “useless, obsolete, incoherent, [or] faulty”. In general, people will doubt warnings based on factors that are either people-centred, risk-centred or system-centred. For example, citizens may be less likely to respond to warnings about man-made disasters than natural disasters, because their expectations that a technological or systems-based risk will be managed are higher. The rationale is that being prepared for a natural hazard is easier to accept, because it is “inevitable”. Arru (for literature reference see original source document) suggests that the complexity of behaviours based on perceptions of early warning systems is not sufficiently taken into account in their design.

Note: See source document for full reference.

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