Entries for Man-made intentional hazards
Capacities of local communities and their culture is important in defining their level of preparedness, response and recovery from a disaster
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Societies and cultures are culturally, politically and environmentally distinctive
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, National research bodies
Concepts of disasters and risk cultures are often linked to cultural geographies
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Adaptive patterns to risk are linked to cultural practices and location
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Decreasing trust in industry and political systems and influence on risk perception and behavioural responses to adverse events
Hazards: Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Non-active citizens, Active citizens, Entrepreneurs, Media, Government, National research bodies, Red Cross, NGOs, Military, Law enforcement agencies, Healthcare and emergency services, European Civil Protection Mechanism, UN and other international organisations, All types of actors
Lack of trust regarding the public's relation to the authorities and science experts
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, Local authorities, National research bodies
Mass media as an important tool in addressing risks to the public/society
Cultural Factors: Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made intentional hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, Media, National research bodies
Human typologies and differences in perceived danger to the individual
Cultural Factors: Worldviews
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
People tend to estimate general risks to be larger than personal ones
Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Individual/collective memory
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Higher levels of perceived risk can be expected in individuals with minority status
Cultural Factors: Socio-economic status
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Decisions for action are what differentiate hazards from risks
Cultural Factors: Worldviews
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Risk behaviour is to a large extent socially and culturally learnt, but not determined
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Customs/traditions/rituals, Individual/collective memory
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
People's perception and understanding of risk is in accordance with their way of life
Cultural Factors: Norms/values
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
The perception of risk is influenced by certain values, beliefs and types of knowledge
Cultural Factors: Norms/values
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Disaster risk reduction analysed in conjunction with the priorities of people, the needs of people at risk and cultural perspectives
Cultural Factors: Norms/values
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made intentional hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: National research bodies, Non-active citizens
Risk perception amongst individuals with to hierarchical orientations
Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
The ways in which people are used to dealing with risk in everyday life is based on societal values (culture)
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Customs/traditions/rituals
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Independence and interdependence are culturally interrelated in risk event assessment
Cultural Factors: Social networks, Worldviews
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens