Types of Actors Concerned
Entries for Local authorities

Communication patterns between the different actors of disaster response


Introduction of a colour coding system for risk levels used for warning alerts amongst different actors


Cultural Factors: Languages, Communication

Disaster Phases: Response, Preparedness

Types of Actors Concerned: Government, Non-active citizens, Local authorities

Comunitat Valenciana' is a public service in the Valencian region that receives emergency calls in Valencian, Spanish, English, French and German


Current social forms and institutions are dominated by constant change, with no reference guidelines or long-term plans, which has resulted in risk becoming a prevalent phenomenon of our time


Culture provides socially constructed myths about nature which, in turn, influence the individual interpretation of natural phenomena


Loss of confidence in civil authorities after man-made disasters


Differences between natural and technological disasters in terms of suddenness, power, destructiveness, predictability and low point of the event


Lack of trust regarding the public's relation to the authorities and science experts


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