Disaster Phases
Entries for Preparedness
Community empowerment definition of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre
Cultural Factors: Power relations, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Processes in community strengthening
Cultural Factors: Power relations, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: NGOs, Government, UN and other international organisations, Non-active citizens
Building disaster-resilient communities - the UNCRD perspective
Cultural Factors: Power relations
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Prevention
Types of Actors Concerned: UN and other international organisations, Non-active citizens
Community-based disaster management in central Vietnam
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Access and use of infrastructure/services
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Government, Non-active citizens
Teaching communities to understand technologies in India
Cultural Factors: Power relations
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Healthcare and emergency services, Non-active citizens
Adopting a proactive approach in taking decisions and action in Bangladesh
Cultural Factors: Educational system, Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Oxfam recommendations for empowerment strategies
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward environmental issues, Power relations
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: NGOs, Non-active citizens
Crowdsourcing in mapping natural disasters
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Entrepreneurs, Non-active citizens, NGOs
Developing innovative technologies for water management
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, National civil protection body
The Citizens Observatories collection and utilization of citizen information
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, National civil protection body, UN and other international organisations
Learning processes enhanced by natural disasters
Cultural Factors: Open-mindedness, Individual/collective memory, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Tha Tatabanya plan in Hungary
Cultural Factors: Educational system, Open-mindedness, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: National research bodies, Local authorities, Non-active citizens, Healthcare and emergency services, National civil protection body
Implementation activities of the Territorial Coordination Master Plan of the Province of Potenza
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, Local authorities, National civil protection body
The organisational network of the Territorial Coordination Master Plan of the Province of Potenza
Cultural Factors: Social networks, Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Active citizens, National civil protection body, Local authorities
Specific drills with citizens in Portugal - the ShakeOut initiative
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward environmental issues, Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens, National civil protection body
The Broughton Trust support for residents in East Salford
Cultural Factors: Social networks, Attitudes toward environmental issues
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Entrepreneurs, Active citizens
Social and organisational empowerment processes in Cumbria
Cultural Factors: Individual/collective memory
Hazards: Natural hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Active citizens
Non-whites in evacuation situations
Cultural Factors: Ethnicity
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
Special information needs of young people
Cultural Factors: Age-related roles
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Response, Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens
The impact of religion on disaster information needs
Cultural Factors: Customs/traditions/rituals
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Recovery, Response, Preparedness, Prevention, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: Non-active citizens