Disaster Phases
Entries for Preparedness
Fatalism in Maltese culture and disaster preparedness
Importance of local experience In dealing with disasters
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations
Disaster Phases: Response, Preparedness
Impact of frequency of disasters on risk perception
Cultural Factors: Individual/collective memory
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Children who are alone at home during a disaster see as a vulnerable group
Cultural Factors: Age-related roles, Languages
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Government, Red Cross, Healthcare and emergency services
Scouts as potential helpers in a disaster setting
Cultural Factors: Age-related roles
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Active citizens
Low vs high levels of social cohesion as weaknesses or strengths in disaster situations
Cultural Factors: Social networks, Ethnicity, Open-mindedness
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery
Ethnic diversity contributes to collective community experience and knowledge on disaster preparedness and response
Cultural Factors: Ethnicity, Local knowledge
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Active citizens
The roles of religious leaders in disaster preparedness
Cultural Factors: Worldviews, Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, National civil protection body
Importance of raising awareness of importance of disaster preparedness from an early age
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Educational system
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Government, Healthcare and emergency services
Importance of safety instructions in non-native languages
Cultural Factors: Languages
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities
Shared responsibilities for preparedness measures amongst citizens and authorities
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Communication, Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made intentional hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Active citizens, National civil protection body
Cultural traits and attitudes to disaster preparedness
Cultural Factors: Worldviews
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
A sense of solidarity as a cultural trait that may be incorporated in formal guidelines for disaster response
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Recovery, Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Government
Levels of risk perception amongst citizens in Rome
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Communication
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities
Use of social media and crowdsourcing in disaster situations
Cultural Factors: Open-mindedness, Attitudes toward authorities, Attitudes toward the media
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made intentional hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Government, National research bodies, Red Cross, NGOs, Military, Healthcare and emergency services
Relationship between perceived effectiveness and trustworthiness of authorities
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Government, Red Cross, NGOs, Military, Law enforcement agencies, Healthcare and emergency services
Differences in trust in mass media vs social media
Cultural Factors: Communication, Attitudes toward the media, Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Media
Citizen trust in authorities is a two way street
Cultural Factors: Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Non-active citizens, Government, NGOs, Red Cross, Military, Law enforcement agencies, Healthcare and emergency services
Local police not seen to hold an important role in disaster management
Cultural Factors: Norms/values, Attitudes toward authorities
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Preparedness, Response
Types of Actors Concerned: Local authorities, Government, Military, Red Cross, NGOs, Law enforcement agencies, Healthcare and emergency services
Role of online communities in a disaster situation
Cultural Factors: Local knowledge, Communication, Attitudes toward authorities, Social networks
Hazards: Natural hazards, Man-made non-intentional hazards or emergency situations, Man-made intentional hazards
Disaster Phases: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, All disaster phases
Types of Actors Concerned: National civil protection body, Local authorities, Non-active citizens, Active citizens, Media